Peak Home-Buying Season: What influences home sales and the buyer market?
When buying or selling a home, the timing of the listing can have a significant impact on the number of other buyers searching for a home. Real estate experts agree that most buyers look to move in the summer months. For sellers, this usually means listing in the Spring to have the most traction for the upcoming season.
So, why is summer the peak season for real estate? Well, during the summer months children are out of school. This makes the transition between cities, or between neighborhoods easier as children have time to adjust to a new home, and don’t have to be pulled out of their current school mid-semester. The nice weather that comes with summer can also impact the turn-out of open houses. Most people interested in attending an open house would rather venture outside in warm, sunny weather rather than the snowy, cold weather that winter brings.
If you’re starting your home search in the spring or summer, you may also notice more competition among interested buyers as well as the possibility of higher home prices that come along with more buyers in the market.
Even though the season plays a large role in the success of your home purchase or home sale, the biggest advantage to your transaction will be having a real estate agent who knows your market, and works by your side.